As we began the process of creating Spelling Monster, one of our biggest decisions was which technology to release it on, web verses mobile. We researched this decision for months, read plenty of articles, and lots of statistics. As we polled family, friends, coworkers, and even a few teachers, our research resulted in some surprising results. We got an idea of how many people had smart phones, tablets, and home computers (ie: desktop or laptop).To our surprise almost everyone had some kind of smartphone. Most even had tablets(iPad or Kindle). Then came home computers, about half had some kind of home computer but almost all hadn’t updated these systems since being introduced to mobile technology. Whether it be a smartphone or a tablet. We also noticed that about half of people who did have some kind of mobile device, did not have any kind of home computer.
At one of our daughters open houses a teacher announced that out of her 24 students, only two did not bring a phone to school (our daughter being one of them, because we think its too tempting to make a bad decision). Learning this sparked a curiosity, so I asked the teacher how many students she thought had smartphones. She said “All of them!”. That really got us thinking, what if instead of kids taking their phones out and disturbing class, they could utilize them as a tool to learn while in school?
Our final decision to go mobile, was we wanted to create something that could go with us. Whether that be in the living room, or in the car, waiting on the Dr., etc. I needed to be able to add their spelling lists from school (not a predetermined list), without an internet connection or computer. Which lead to our next decision…
What smartphones to release on? With 75% of all smartphone users on either Android or iPhones, that made our decision simple. We will release on IOS and Androids along with tablets coming shortly after. With smartphone sales continuing to out number home computer sales, over 90 million smartphone users in the USA, and over a billion worldwide, we at Spelling Monster believe that mobile is the way of the future.
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