• Posts found under: Articles

    Developmental Levels of Spelling

    Hello all of my fellow geniuses, this is your brilliant friend Brainy bringing you the latest information concerning all things spelling in this weeks edition of…… The Spelling Buzz!!!!

    I was doing some studying and came across a cool article that had a cool scoring chart that helps you analyze each developmental level of spelling.  There are 5 key steps to becoming a good speller. Continue reading “Developmental Levels of Spelling” »


    Top 5 Spelling TV Shows

    Hello Friends, this Ziggy, swerving by with this weeks edition of ……The Spelling Buzz!!!!

    This week I have been looking around for the coolest T.V. shows that will help us with learning how to spell.  I have come up with my top 5 shows that I think we all could learn spelling from.  These shows will help with learning your ABC’s, as well as how to spell words, and also what the words definitions are. Continue reading “Top 5 Spelling TV Shows” »


    Learning Lost Over Summer Vacation

    Did you know that children experience educational losses over the summer when they don’t engage in some kind of learning activity? Studies show that summer learning losses can equal a month or more of your childs instruction depending on the subject. Teachers typically spend between 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer. Continue reading “Learning Lost Over Summer Vacation” »


    Technology in the Classroom

    No matter the device used, technology seems to have a big affect on learning in the classroom. There have been several studies done. Some with classroom distribution of these devices and technology, and some, have a bring your own device  to school. In the CoSN  Compendium 2011, volume 9, issue 3 talks of several different schools and how they benefited from these technologies. Continue reading “Technology in the Classroom” »


    How Spelling Helps to Read

    This is Brainy coming to you with the latest in all things Spelling  with …..The Spelling Buzz!!

    I have been doing some research on how spelling helps with reading, and came up with some pretty cool facts.  Spelling is a very important part of reading.  You could would not be able to read words properly, without knowing how the words are spelled first.  Very interesting!!! Continue reading “How Spelling Helps to Read” »

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