• Reading and Spelling with a Whole Word Approach

    Reading and Spelling with a Whole Word Approach

     What’s up Friends!! This is Zainy, zipping through to bring you this weeks edition of…..The Spelling Buzz.  As all my friends know, everything I do, I do it quick fast and in a hurry so lets begin.

    While super skimming the internet to sharpen my spelling skills, I came across some information cool and interesting enough to slow me down (only for a minute).  I learned that children learn to read because their minds read the word as a whole instead of letter by letter. For example:

    Can you raed this?

    Even though the word is misspelled you can clearly understand what it says.  This is because your brain does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole.  That is Fastastic! Or as you would say Fantastic!!!

    This ability raises the question, “Is spelling important?”  Well kids, of courses it is!  All great things begin with spelling!  You would never be able to tap into this cool talent without first being an excellent speller.  You have to know how to spell the word in order to use this cool way of reading.  So let’s keep sharpening our spelling skills with me, Zainy, and all of the other spelling monsters of Spelltopia.  With Spelling Monster the spelling adventure never ends!!!!!



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